Hurricane Forecasting: What’s the difference between European and American forecast models?
Source: What’s the difference between European and American forecast models?
10 Deadly Natural Disasters Caught on Video
astro, astronomy, earth, moons, planets, science, solar system, space, stars, video, weather
10 of the Strangest Weather Occurrences Ever
astro, astronomy, earth, moons, planets, science, solar system, space, stars, video, weather
Blizzard Jonas explainer – Business Insider
More than 85 million people in at least 20 states were covered by a winter weather warning, watch or advisory, Source: Blizzard Jonas explainer –
How Haiyan Became a Super Typhoon
A supercell near Booker, Texas on Vimeo
Bingham Landslide
Weekly SkyWatcher’s Forecast: August 27-September 2, 2012
IOS Weather Web App for IPhone/IPad
October Snowstorm
Nothing but GoPro and iPad for upload/editing.