Drones deliver blood to health clinics across Rwanda

by The Kynd Gentleman

The Silicon Valley company Zipline uses 6-foot-long drones to fly blood to health clinics and hospitals across Rwanda.

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10 Gadgets for Surviving a Noisy Flight

by The Kynd Gentleman

Getting comfortable on a long flight can be difficult for many reasons. The cabin is too cold or warm, the infant sitting three rows behind

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by The Kynd Gentleman

Forget autonomous cars — if you really need to get somewhere in a hurry without bothering to pilot yourself, you need an Ehang Manned Drone.

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Parrot Disco Drone

by The Kynd Gentleman

Who said all drones have to be quadcopters? The Parrot Disco Drone has a propeller, but looks far more like a traditional airplane than a

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Bookmark Your Favorite Category from The Man’s Corner!

by MidKnightt

   Choose your favorite categories from The Man’s Corner and bookmark them. OR just bookmark this post! ADVICE BEVERAGES COMEDY FINANCE FOOTBALL HEALTH LADIES LIFESTYLE

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Man’s Corner BOOKMARK OF THE WEEK! – LINK to All Ladies on the MC!

by MidKnightt


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Man’s Corner BOOKMARK OF THE WEEK! – LINK to All Technology and Science Posts on the MC!

by MidKnightt


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