Laser sights for concealed carry handguns are wonderful gun modifications, but choosing the wrong one and using one incorrectly happen all too often. Source: Handgun

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Laser sights for concealed carry handguns are wonderful gun modifications, but choosing the wrong one and using one incorrectly happen all too often. Source: Handgun
It looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. That might have something to do with Vitaly Bulgarov, whose conceptual design work can be seen
Steve Sanetti, CEO of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, offers some tips on how you can teach your kids to respect and better understand firearms.
With the war on terror came a new, more militarized way of gathering intelligence. But now, America needs the kind of spooks who can work
Remember the Alamo. Source: The 8 Best Bowie Knives That Money Can Buy
The semi-automatic firearm is so standard now that many accept it as the way firearms have always worked. Source: American Rifleman | Back to Basics:
When it’s raining, when it’s howling, when you’re freezing, or when you and your buddies just want a roaring inferno on the last night at
While some manufacturers are holding their new-gun secrets closely until the 2017 SHOT Show, some were willing to share an early look at their new
While some manufacturers are holding their new-gun secrets closely until the 2017 SHOT Show, some were willing to share an early look at their new
Innovators of the M-550 Series Paracord Survival Grenade and other quality hand crafted paracord gear. Surf City Paracord’s flagship product, the M-550 Series Paracord Grenades.
It’s fun to shoot arrows from the Pocket Shot slingshot but it is definitely not a toy. The Arrow Shooting Kit converts this powerful slingshot
In WIley Clapp’s view, the .40 is still a better choice than the 9 mm. Source: American Rifleman | Clapp on Handguns: The .40 Is
Source: Gun Review: Springfield Armory XD-S 3.3″ 9mm Pistol – The Truth About Guns
Here is a roundup of some of the top “mega” handguns that combine portability with amazing power. Source: American Rifleman | Today’s Mighty Mega Handguns
Walking into a gun shop and purchasing your first gun for the first time is an experience all its own. Most savvy shoppers do hours